Sherry Barkley, Ph.D., FACSM, RCEP

Sherry Barkley, Ph.D., FACSM, RCEP
Professor and Program Director of Exercise & Sport Sciences
School of Health Professions, Exercise & Sport Sciences Program
Ph.D. in Biological Science, 2008, South Dakota State University; M.S. in Exercise Science, 1983, University of Arizona; B.S. Physical Education and Mathematics, 1979, South Dakota State University
Dr. Sherry Barkley has been teaching at Augustana University for more than 30 years. She teaches Fitness Measurement & Prescription, Exercise in Health & Disease and Nutrition, and has taught a variety of other courses in the exercise & sport sciences (ESS) department. Barkley also serves as the faculty advisor for fitness internship experiences and program director for the ESS department. Barkley’s research interests focus broadly on the role of exercise in health and performance. Projects have included building self-efficacy in cardiac rehab patients, examining seasonal changes in fitness levels of athletes as well as older adults and evaluating the impact of ischemic preconditioning in swimmers.